February 24th, 2008
Hello MUN students and parents!
There are several
orders of business to be addressed.
1) Berkeley: Your papers are due tomorrow. That means a hard copy in Kevin
or Haley's hands by tomorrow! Also, please bring your check for $375 as soon as possible.
If you do not know
your country assignment or topic, please check your email. This conference is pretty much solidifed. Get ready for a great
2) Los Alamitos
Congratulations! We had a very successful conference with probably the most gavel winners in PV MUN history. Gavels went
out to Hunter Bird/Kassi Yukevich, Lauren Miller/Deborah Kim, and Josh Robbinett/Ethan Rubio.
We also had a strong amount of Outstandings and Commendations. Great job guys! Keep it up! Thank you, and I know
we will see all the students on Wednesday. Feel free to send an e-mail to pv_mun@yahoo.com with any questions. Expect another e-mail soon about an upcoming simulation. Sincerely,
-Alex Park! :D